Whenever I travel to speak I invariable learn as much as the students I teach. India is a very exciting place to be doing business. Opportunities abound. If given the chance to work in places like India or China or other rapidly developing countries you should take it. Business is becoming more and more global. Whether selling into those markets, outsources services to them or importing goods or services from them, no business can afford to ignore those markets. Knowledge of the culture and how to do business in those countries will be invaluable to potential employers. Careers can gain a big boost by working overseas provided you remain visible at home while making your mark abroad. (More on that in another blog). If that type of opportunity doesn't readily come your way and you are interested, make it happen. There is a tremendous shortage of management talent and needs abound. Seek out opportunities and as the old man on the train said you will never regret it.
I leave you with a quote from Harvard Professor Stanley Hoffman "I am more and more convinced that people are intensely different from country to country. Not everyone is motivated by the same things." The better you understand how different people around the world are motivated the more successful you will be.
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