I read a study today that I thought was fascinating. Because I write and train about how to more effectively influence others the results of the study did not surprise me but the magnitude of the issue was much higher than I would have thought. In this study the recipients of the e-mails were almost 50% less likely to recognize that what was being said was being said sarcastically than when the same message was left on a voicemail. What was surprising though was that approximately 90% of the recipients believed they had properly understood the e-mail and almost 80% of the e-mailers had believed the message would be properly understood.
What does this tell us about virtual influencing or V-Fluencing which is what I call it when I teach workshops on how to be more effective where you are not dealing face to face with the individual you are seeking to influence. This skill is critical in today's global business world because the conference call, e-mail, and virtual meetings have replaced the conference room as the method of exerting influence used by most executives, and their key employees, to get business done.
So how can you be more effective V-fluencing. First chose the right medium. E-mails are best where you are seeking to convey information. Where tone is important pick up the phone or arrange to meet face to face. The more important and difficult the conversation the better it is to have in person or at least by telephone or video-conference. Moreover the better your relationship the easier it is to deal with misunderstandings so find ways to build that relationship ahead of time. One technique that works for me when I make that first call to someone I don't know, particularly in Asia where there is a 10 to 12 hour time difference, is to do it when during their morning (the middle of the night form me). That showing of respect, and consideration, is not lost on the recipient and it goes a long way toward starting the relationship off on a good footing.
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